One More quote a bit Different
In College I started this project just for curiousity. Wrote in C and used text file read and write operations as the Database. User can create account, change password, burrow books, submit books. Check out more details.
This is a console based game, replica of the android chain reaction game. Written in C using dynamic recurssion and a single console multiplayer game. Check out a bit details and the code.
A project to calculate a users probable typos based on the keyboardlayout user is using. Using basic Array operations this Java project creates a set of all posible strings containing one typo. Check out more details and the code.
This is a console based single player game identical to the 2048 game in android. Written using C by applying array manipulation. Check out a bit details and the code.
A simple try to capture few data about user's hand eye co-ordination and as well as the way they handle the device. A dataset to feed some support the idea that we can uniquely identify the user by the way they handles the device. Check out the work done here.
Create pictorial representation of homogenious dataset (specifically where the varying factor is time). With the knowledge of creating a NuGet I want to create a library which can create the custom UI graph snaps and if possible small videos. This is and idea without a skeleton now.
Small scale lightweight app to schedule doctor appointment and get information with privillege based login where doctor can update their availablity and admin can add doctor and clinics. The skeleton is created but the hard part is left.