Typo Generator

A simple tool to generate typos of a word (password). The code takes an input of the path to the keyboard layout. It is now done for the normal laptop keyboard, however, the code will work for any layout. First, you need to create a keyboard layout, and store it in a text file. Sample layout is given in qwerty.txt as english US laptop keyboard. This file is required to run the code.

The code also takes a word from stdin and then generate the typos of it.

Files of this Project

How to compile

$ javac Build.java

for eclipse just put these two files in the same package and run build.java first.

How to run

$ java Build qwerty.txt

First input absolute filepath to the layout file and 2nd input is a string. It takes a seconary input of a String and generates all posible typos of it that are at one edit-distance from it.

Main Instruction

  1. Download the whole typo_generator/ folder in your machine.
  2. Compile Build.java
  3. Run Build.class with the first input you have to give is the absolute file path for the downloaded file.
  4. It generates the pattern with this input with the help of generator object.
  5. Give the password for which you want to know the typos as the second input.
  6. The output will come in a list format for all one letter typos for all indexes.
  7. No more answer is in front of You. Judge it brother.

Future Plans

  1. Add aditional typos based on deletion, insertion.
  2. Create typos of edit distance more than 1.