Welcome to My Past.

Here are few Codes from my College Days mostly written in C and JAVA. Well if you have reached this far stroll a bit more in the page to know my Good Works. Most of the Codes here are some basic ideas or some game or an interesting try. Dont expect You or anyone to clone and try it out with ./a.out and gcc compiler and check the out in a black command window (thats terminal btw…..).

What Special

Well when you learn coding initially a thrill generates automatically how these so many are things working with lines of codes. For me being a game lover and also having an awesome mentor in my brother, I felt challanged at things that can I do it. When you understand the logic how it works or in simple words the math for it it feels easy to code at least gives you courage to jump in. Luckily with all my interest I did jump in but unluckily i was late to become frinds with github and its awesomeness. So this repo is a bit old but vintage to me. Lets not talk more shit and go right in to the repo………

Repo BreakDown